Hip Rose
Our classic floral pattern, Hip Rose, soon went on to become one of our most popular patterns.
With its intricate elegance and soothing appeal, Hip Rose is an assured design for your walls.
Sourced from Boråstapeter’s large archive of heritage wallpapers, this pattern was initially reproduced in the ochre and dark blue colourways. These colours and the patterning testify to the vintage of the design, which is antique at around a century old.
Hip Rose comes from our wallpaper archive, and dates from the 1920s. Most likely from the early-twenties, since naturalistic florals fell out of favour for wallpapers in the latter half of the decade, explains Sissa Sundling, Head of Design at Boråstapeter.

Nature’s own colour scheme
The Hip Rose patterning consists of rambling wild roses, and gives any interior a comforting nostalgic air. This appealing wallpaper is now available in eight colourways, all borrowed from nature’s own palette.

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