Wallpaper calculator
Our wallpaper calculator makes it easy to work out how many rolls you need. The number of rolls depends on the dimensions of the walls to be papered, the dimensions of the rolls and the pattern repeat length of the design you have chosen.
How many rolls do you need?
Remember that our wallpaper calculator only provides an estimate of the optimal number of rolls. If the recommendation is incorrect and you have too many, you can always return the unused rolls.
Do as follows:
Wall width: Enter the total width of the walls in the room you want to paper.
Wall height: Enter the total height from floor to ceiling.
Roll width: Indicate the roll width, which you can find in the description on the product page. It is generally 53 cm but not always, so double-check and enter the correct measurement (Digital prints and murals are 45 cm).
Roll length: The roll length is generally 10.05 m, but double-check in the description on the product page.
Repeat: You can find information on the pattern repeat length in the description on the product page. Enter the relevant measurement for the specific wallpaper you are interested in.
Done! Now you know how many rolls you need to order!