Our designers
Our wallpaper designs are the product of many different people’s knowledge, creativity and passion. Get inspiration and learn more about Boråstapeter’s designers here.

Amanda Nordblad
Inspired by:
Time-out in the countryside and garden, homes with a story, arts, crafts and culture.
On the walls in my home:
Patterns! I love having the walls in my home decorated with wallpaper. I like to be surrounded by pieces and patterns I love, and I mix them any which way.
Patterns I have designed:
I’m mainly working on Boråstapeter Studio, the collection featuring most of my latest designs. But I’ve previously worked on collections like Scandinavian Designers Mini and patterns like Charlie. As well as the mini launches such as Wild Animals, featuring patterns like Madagascar and Serengeti. For the Flowers mini launch, I created the Solrosor sunflowers pattern. Watch this space for new designs out shortly!

Jenny Hahne Gadd
Inspired by:
Nature! The seasons and their changing light, flora and fauna. Nature weaves the perfect with the skewed in such an unbeatable way.
On the walls in my home:
It’s both high and low. I live in an old house that needs a lot of renovation. But we’re taking it slow, and currently mixing new beauties like Indigo Garden and Under the Elder Tree offset by sponge-daubed 90s papers in yellow and red.
Patterns I have designed:
I like designing highly detailed patterns, and my inspiration is often a memory, a specific place or mood. Skogsparken for example, reminds me of the dappled light created by my sister-in-law’s huge walnut tree on the island of Öland. And Ingrid Marie reminds me of lazing in a hammock beneath my mum’s wonderful, but untended apple tree. I don’t like it when things are too neat and orderly, preferring that sense of rampant, untouched nature. The idea was for the pattern to stir memories of an orchard full of gnarled old apple trees. Other favourite patterns I designed include Dahlia Garden, Snödroppar, Midsummer Eve.

Noomi Spange
Inspired by:
Everything beautiful and interesting around me! A fabulous, unexpected colour combination, paint splashes on the floor of our fantastic factory, a film, series or really good novel. I spend a lot of time out in nature, which remains my biggest, never-waning source of inspiration.
On the walls in my home:
A load of different sketches and patterns that I’m working on right now! I have them taped to the walls throughout the apartment. But obviously plenty of wallpaper, too.
Patterns I have designed:
Personal favourites that I have designed are Terrazzo Spot, Triangular, Orbit and Mirage. I particularly love when big shapes extend across several lengths of wallpaper. I’m a pattern nerd through and through, and I love seeing pattern swatches generally and wallpaper in particular!

Ulrica Hurtig
Inspired by:
Nature, architecture, art, a mood or atmosphere. As a designer, I’m always open to inspiration, constantly banking impressions, images and ideas in my mind wherever I go. But I would say that natural surroundings are where I draw most inspiration or from the quest itself. At the research and ideation stage of my design process where I deep-dive an area, theme or style for a collection. This typically leads to many exciting new sources of inspiration.
Another source of inspiration is coherence and continuity, which are ever-present when designing for a brand like Boråstapeter. The actual production process in itself is an inspiration in terms of all its different techniques.
On the walls in my home:
In our home we mostly have warm, white tones on different surfaces and structures, like in a studio.
Patterns I have designed:
Designing relief patterns like Linen, Shades and Painter’s Wall is fascinating. With textures that create a special mood in an interior. Besides that, I enjoy designing wallpapers that celebrate subtle minimalism in geometry or natural motifs like Golden Arches, Fredrik and Fredrika, but also classical, traditional wallpapers like Love and Vintergröna.
Right now, I’m just so proud to have designed bestsellers like Nocturne, Folklore and Linen. After all, my whole drive is that passion to create products that are popular with a lot of people.
So far, my personal direction has been wallpaper patterns with a gentle simplicity to the design. A kind of expressive minimalism with a special ambience and timelessness.

Sissa Sundling
Inspired by:
My biggest source of inspiration are all the sounds, scents and sights out in the wilds of nature and in my garden, too. Music is also biggie – everything from Daft Punk to Bach. I play the piano myself, and often notice how the beat, tone and rhythm of the music recur in the patterns I design. Other sources of inspiration are art and architecture, and roaming cities to explore museums and galleries. Last, but not least, there’s family, friends, food, beer, cinema, books and everything else that inspires and provides input for new directions.
On the walls in my home:
Wallpapers, books and modern art.
Patterns I have designed:
Anno was a fantastic collection to work on, as it gave me an outlet for my interest in history and let me dig down into the archives and explore wallpaper fragments and amazing stories. I’m also super proud of having designed the Alicia pattern, and the romantic Paradise Birds wallpaper. My interest in plants and animals is also represented in the Sångfåglar design, which features various songbirds perched on mock orange and mulberry branches, while In the Oak reveals a couple of birds and around 20 different insects living inside and off the oak tree.